In which I try to pick up the pieces

OK, I just lost my entire entry owing to a glitch in... the universe, or something, but here are the general ideas of its focus:

  1. The fact that I may or may not be wearing too much perfume.

  2. Learning the "spray, delay... and walk away!" technique of perfume application from a cheery-yet-retarded instructor at Half-Day Customer Service Training.

  3. My sudden realization that I had forgotten to apply deodorant this morning.

  4. Mitigation of previously noted deodorant situation.

  5. Rationalization of perfume over-application based on level of irritation by surrounding coworkers.

  6. Tangent about annoying coworker who owing to several grating personality quirks requires that I do extra work on her behalf, and my recognition that I cannot logically argue with her because all her arguments are based on her deep and frequently voiced neuroses and irrational "feelings," which she demands that I respect, even though I don't like her and she looks like Paul Williams.

  7. Brooding over older male coworker who greeted me with wide-open arms and requested a hug.

  8. Unwillingness to deal with giant stacks of paperwork on my desk, general feeling of unease, considering further perfume application.

List should be amended to include my recent discovery that my shirt is on backwards, and my mental wrestling over whether or not I should just turn it around here at my desk.
That is all. (...Yeah, sure it is.)

Star of the day. . .David Lowery
posted @ 7:44 p.m. on July 22, 2005 before | after


She lay awake all night,
