In which i see myself from the outside

So, here's the highlight of my day so far: Someone just called me to report that an unknown person or persons had urinated in our elevator.

Nobody knows it was me!!!

Ahn, it wasn't really me. But I don't want to totally rule out the possibility, because I might, some day, exercise my perceived right to drop to that level. Anything is possible in this glorious world.

On an unrelated note, here is a phrase I'm tired of: "go live." Long I in "live." A friend just e-mailed me to say that his house will officially be advertised for sale this week, using the phrase "we go live with the sale on Sunday." The phrase lends a certain undeserved gloss to the proceedings, like he's producing a delicately timed television show, to be broadcast live, and the players are waiting in the wings. That's how it strikes me, anyway, and I will be the first to admit that a) I overthink everything and b) I have a near-zero tolerance threshold for phrases that irritate me.

Why do I care what language my friend uses to tell me, a disinterested bystander, that his house is for sale? I don't know: why do I care about any of the things that irritate me? I just do. Chalk this one up to a low-grade hangover from yesterday's show--an odd, happy hour gig at the request of one of the teams here at work. Goooo, team! There's nothing like performing original rock and roll for coworkers in the late afternoon to make you want to drink five hundred vodka tonics one after the other. (As if there might be some other way to drink that many vodka tonics.) We had some friends show up at the gig as well, which took the curse off the workiness of the whole shebang, and overall, I think it went well, except for the weird way people are looking at me today, now that they've seen me in my natural element.

"I could NEVER get up there and do that," enthused one girl today, breaking into a startling and not entirely welcome imitation of me "rocking out," as she put it. And that's OK, because somebody has to be in the audience, right?

So, on that note, I think I'm going to go home, maybe rent a movie, stare at the jumble of stuff left over from the Keelhauler's trip out to the islands with the bachelors last weekend, and do nothing.

But first... Off to pee in the stairwell!

Star of the day. . .Thee Spivies
posted @ 3:28 p.m. on April 27, 2007 before | after


She lay awake all night,
