Backhanded compliments I have awkwardly accepted with thanks but which continue to generate sarcastic possible responses in my mind

  • I would love to dress like you, but my husband likes his women to look ...nice, you know?
  • I admire the courage it takes for you to wear that shirt outside the house.
  • That purse is so ugly, it's almost cute.
  • I love your hair�it�s like, permanently messy.
  • Your guitar playing is the absolute worst I've ever heard, so bad that it almost becomes good. Kind of like the Shaggs.
  • You look so hip! I don't think I've ever seen you look "hip" before.
  • We may be highly educated and articulate, but we couldn't do our jobs without you, Violet.

Star of the day. . .Paula Abdul
posted @ 10:52 a.m. on May 05, 2005 before | after


She lay awake all night,
