Weather report

Clouds are spinning across the sky today, like a game of hide-and-seek with the sun. Or, rather, the sun is using the clouds as his hands, giant, swirly hands--yes, that's exactly the simile I'm looking for--to play hide and seek with me. So, wait. What is actually happening? I'm wary of blaming the sun, because he's bigger than me and I'm a well-documented coward, but for this whole hide-and-seek metaphor to work, he has to be responsible. God damn it! This happens every time I try to get artistic and shit.

OK. The sun, feeling puckish and definitely non-vindictive or menacing, decided today to engage in a playful little game of hide-and-seek, mindless of the fact that his game would completely hose up the wardrobe issue of the residents of the earth below. One minute he's hiding... ok, get out your rain jackets and walk downtown. Oops! He's out! And now you look like a dink, wearing foul-weather gear designed for wear aboard sailboats, when there are little kids, dozens of them, riding bikes in shirt sleeves. Hey, why are those little kids out, anyway? Shouldn't they be in school? And look at that, they just rode their bikes through the crosswalk, against the light. Nice. Nice parenting, parents, wherever you are. And, hey: I'm wearing this jacket because I WANT TO.

Stupid kids. Stupid sun.

Star of the day. . .The sun. It's a star, you know. It is, you know. A big one. Uh-huh!
posted @ 3:24 p.m. on April 05, 2006 before | after


She lay awake all night,
