Everybody on the left side say.... Yeah!

Are you ready to rock?

I said, Are you ready to ROCK?!

I'm practicing my arena-style rock banter for tonight's big show. It's been going over very well at the office, so I might work it into my regular regime. Regime? Routine. And I say, Are you ready to rock?!

Considering the size of the venue we're playing, I doubt there will be a lot of actual arena-style yelling or banter. It would be like yelling into a tissue box--which is fun, incidentally, but never really necessary.

I am pleased to report that I have narrowed down my outfit choices to five. Well, around five. It depends on how you arrange the various pieces. I think it's more like a factor of five. I want to give myself a range of possibilities from Girl Next Door to Mother's Worst Nightmare. I'll probably end up somewhere in between (Girl's Next Nightmare).

Suffice it to say that there will be a combination of sparkles, very high shoes, possibly some satin, and a lot of eyeliner. You know: the usual.

Wish us luck...

Star of the day. . .Surge Joebot
posted @ 11:57 a.m. on September 01, 2006 before | after


She lay awake all night,
