In which I open a can of vegetable soup, because...

I have no cohesive entry today (unlike all my previous entries, which are masterpieces of concise wit). I am writing solely because I have made a commitment to NaBloBlaBla month, and goddammit, I am going to write here every day, even if I spew out threads of drivel taken directly from my company's last employee dress code policy memo. (Aside to self: This is a sure way to increase readership.)

There was a Roz Chast cartoon in the back of the New Yorker a couple of years ago that showed a blogger typing the phrase "So then I opened a can of vegetable soup, because..." into a computer. That may be the greatest blog sentence ever written, for the obvious reason that no one would ever care a) about the opening of the can, nor b) the reason for said opening, which neatly encapsulates the futility of every blog ever written, with the exception of mine and that of whomever is reading this. I hope to duplicate that sentence someday in my own blog. (Note: but in different words.)

In other news, I have written an excellent song called "Bowhunter." Well, Mathrock and I wrote it. I wrote the words and the melody. It is highly great and concerns the famous romantic love couple of Ted Nugent and Mary Poppins. I will post it when we record it, because without revealing anything, I know you will allllll want to sing along on the bridge. (Note: That is part of the song, and not like, an actual structure over a river or whatever. Let's all stay on the same page, here.)

I am open to suggestions about other subjects for songs. I trust you all to come up with things that will entertain me. Which is more than you can trust me with, apparently.

Star of the day. . .Anne Sexton
posted @ 5:55 p.m. on November 08, 2007 before | after


She lay awake all night,
