
Jacques wrote this morning to say hello and reassure me very kindly, in the aftermath of the sweater incident, that I always look �lovely� to him, and that �people could think you look like a French girl speaking in English.� Coming from a Frenchman, that is high praise, and I�m happy to accept the compliment.

He goes on to mention a recent radio debate he overheard regarding weight problems in the US, and compares one journalist�s conclusions to the works of Baudrillard, the French social theorist whose name, without Jacques� assistance, would likely never appear in this diary.

I was already thinking of Jacques this morning when I arrived, because I�d been given a beautiful cattleya orchid for my birthday (today, for all of you who have neglected to note it in your Filofaxes), and thanks to Jacques� unfailing efforts to elevate my reading habits, cattleyas invariably remind me of Marcel Proust. I opened my e-mail to tell him about it, and found his message, which includes not only a reference to Calexico�s last CD, but a photograph of himself standing next to what he describes as a �supraconductive magnet, the design and mounting of which� he supervised. Not being a physicist, I will take his word that that is what it is. The object itself resembles a large kettle drum on a metal platform, with a tall silver metal pole attached, and various wires and screws and bolts, like a Frankenstein pot-belly stove. I would not be able to hold up my end of a conversation about the object, but I am happy that Jacques sent the picture to me, and happy also that someone with such specialized expertise in the field of nuclear physics also enjoys to talk with me about subjects like the music of The Lyres, Arthurian legend, and his dislike of the Hooters restaurant chain.

Another trait I value in Jacques is his disarming ability to find my insane, jealous rants charming and even amusing, which completely defuses them. Naturally, he�s dealing with me long-distance, but still, it�s hard for me to remain furious when I read his responses noting my spirited nature, and saying how much he enjoys reading my tantrums. (Note to the Keelhauler: The �you�re beautiful when you�re angry� technique actually seems to work.)

So, merci, Jacques, pour les sentiments et la photo, et la sourire.

Star of the day. . .Susan Sarandon
posted @ 11:55 a.m. on October 4, 2004 before | after


She lay awake all night,
