In which I am Queen of Insight

On my roundabout way back from the post office, where I was returning some totally impractical shoes that were not only the wrong size but way, way more Bubblicious in color than I felt comfortable with, I stopped in at the terrible drug store. I hate going there, because although it's in the expensive section of town, it's a total dive. I entered to find that it had undergone a renovation that garnered it new, grey industrial carpeting but retained the illogical floor plan and apathy of the employees.

I got some chocolate milk (why, I don't know--I went in the store for hand cream) and stood in line, trying to ignore the loud conversation between a short woman I couldn't see over the magazine rack and another short woman whose hair I could kind of see. One of them was apparently a cashier at the next checkstand, and the conversation was both strange and extremely loud. The cashier was announcing her breaks and her lunch hour, and suggesting repeatedly that she and the unseen woman get together, maybe for lunch. The other woman was polite but noncommittal, and as she left, the cashier yelled across the store, "I just want to tell you I think you're an amazing woman!" The customer, ducking out of the store, half-waved, and said something like, "I think you are, too," and was gone. I was bummed, because for a minute, their conversation sounded very friendly, like maybe they were going to make out right there by the ice cream display, but AS ALWAYS, this did not happen.

As soon as Fabulous Woman disappeared, cashier woman yelled over to my cashier (who was ignoring the customer ahead of me as she rang up his batteries), "Do you know that woman?" My cashier--I'll call her Danielle--said no. The other (let's call her Marci) yelled, "She's on 'The Guiding Light,' she plays Agnes."

Danielle was not particularly impressed, but still, there was a lot of circuitous discussion between the two of them, yelling back and forth over the aisle, ringing up purchases the whole time, about whether the actress was on "The Guiding Light," "One Life to Live," or "Passions." Danielle admitted several times that she only watches "Passions." They were still talking about it when Danielle reached back and without looking at me, handed over my receipt. They're probably still talking about it.

I didn't see the girl who Marci considered an amazing woman, but I'm sure she was amazing. She amazingly got away from the rabid drugstore clerk who wanted to have lunch with her, without setting a definite time.

In some ways, I suppose it would have been nice to be the actress in that situation, because for one thing, she wasn't at work or on her way back to a crappy office job. She was also the only customer who wasn't invisible to the cashiers, which could have come in handy if she needed something lifted down from a high shelf. Also, she makes, I'm guessing, more than the $200 a year they pay me here, so that's cool. Still, I am not ever burdened with random cashiers rearranging their schedule to have lunch with me, when they don't even know my name. "Hey! Famous Lady! Meet me on break!"

In other news, I'm being stalked by the song "Galileo," by the Indigo Girls. I am not 100% certain that's its name, but it's shown up in three different stores in the last day or so, thoroughly uninvited by me. That song sets my teeth on edge for many reasons, partly because I think calling Galileo "King of Insight" is a laughable poetic cop-out. Maybe it's just part of my Indigo Madness of the last couple of days, but I really wish the stalking would stop.

Anyway, at least the jaundice is fading.

Star of the day. . .Teetah the Lady Cat
posted @ 6:10 p.m. on October 25, 2005 before | after


She lay awake all night,
