Endless loop

In the act of trying to "get over my cheap self," as the great Maven would say, I've been thinking back on times in my life when I've felt similarly disheartened, and what advice I'd give my past self, were I able to go back in time.

Although this exercise largely resulted in a long, unproductive spell of imagined time travel, and what I might wear, I believe my advice to my past self comes back around to nothing more than Maven's advice: Get over your cheap self.

I might add "for fuck's sake" to the end of that sentence, but nothing more.

I tend to develop tunnel vision when contemplating a situation I consider less than optimal, which turns my thought pattern into a sort of Moebius strip, my thoughts traveling over and over the same terrain, fooling myself into thinking I'm exploring new ground.

Anyway, I'm on my way to getting over my cheap self, at least until the next neurotic crisis.

Star of the day. . .Herbie Hancock
posted @ 1:28 p.m. on February 10, 2006 before | after


She lay awake all night,
