All the while my heart is breaking, you're not even on her mind

Do you have Neko Case's new album? It�s called �The Tigers Have Spoken,� and you should probably go get it, especially for its first track, the fantastic �If You Knew.� It�s a gorgeous lament over unrequited love, masquerading as a warning to a guy who�s smitten with a callow, spoiled bitch.

It�s twangy, but with a British Invasion kind of vibe, and Neko�s throaty delivery adds a sense of immediacy and force that underscores the jealousy beneath the well-meant advice, and makes all us green-eyed girls sidelined by unattainable men nod our heads in rueful comprehension.

Like that.

Did I say �us green-eyed girls�? I meant, �those other green-eyed girls,� because as should be abundantly clear, my life is well-ordered and fortunate, and I have never once suffered unrequited love. Not once.

Anyway, um� catchy hook! Check it out.

In which my dreams of megalomania are fueled by unwitting friends

My dock neighbors Jay and Rainey are taking off this week for ports unknown ("Mexico"), so on Sunday there was an eleven-hour going-away party. (I do mean "eleven-hour," not "eleventh-hour," by the way.) I personally was present only for five hours of it, but that was plenty, especially given the fact that it was 30 degrees outside and I'd had about 30 mai tais. (I don't know why it came as news to me that Myer's rum contains a lot more alcohol than wine, but eventually I figured it out.)

Anyway, it somehow came about that I was charged with organizing a knitting group at the marina. As "seemed like a good idea at the time" goes, that particular idea is pretty tame, but still, I woke up with no clear concept of why I was in charge of this endeavor. It's true that I know how to knit: I have mostly mastered two stitches, and can repeat them if necessary. But it's not like I could make a sweater, or something. Everything I make is rectangular. Clearly, though I may be in charge of organizing the knitting, I'm not going to act as an instructor. Still, I'm the leader. I was practically elected by unanimous vote. That automatically means I'm responsible for this knitting group's success or failure! People are counting on me. Can I rise to the challenge? These are the thoughts going through my head as I answer the call of my destiny, my knitting destiny.

Today, I called the marina office to reserve the lounge for our first knitting date. Janine, who answered the phone, stated that she didn't see any reason why our knitting group shouldn't be allowed to use the lounge. "There are certain groups the manager says no to," she offered, "Mostly like, strippers." (Damn.)

Janine suggested that I make some fliers, which she would post to advertise the event. See, now it's an "event." Which means that I should come up with some form of plan other than "show up with yarn and wine." Strippers, obviously, are out of the question.

And I need to come up with a name for this event. One of the women mentioned that she'd belonged to a group called the "Knit Wits." (Feeble laugh.) I'm not really keen on starting a group whose name implies that Edith Bunker is our mascot. There's another group called "Stitch and Bitch," but if the marina doesn't allow strippers, I'm guessing they might also frown at the suggestion of bitches, even productive ones.

I tried to envision what sort of group I wanted, to help form the proper name. In my mind, this knitting ...tong is a social organization with stringent admission policies and a dress code involving high-heeled boots and 18-karat gold jewelry. We all sit around with our precision haircuts, knitting passport covers from cashmere yarn kept in Prada tote bags. The only problem with this group would be, of course, that I personally would not be permitted to join. That slight fact notwithstanding, I still want a name that conveys something other than doughy saps with nowhere else to go. Purposeful. Exotic. Edgy. While I am knitting that potholder, I want to feel superior to the Knit Wits.

With all that in mind, I've decided on the name: Purl Harbor. I know, it's so great. It's one of those names that at first is mildly amusing, but which gets LESS funny each time you hear it!

If we make it past our first meeting, I predict enormous social and creative success for this group.

Star of the day. . .Neko Case
posted @ 3:21 p.m. on 01.19.05 before | after


She lay awake all night,
