Important experiences I had in 2001, and might have forgotten about had I not made a list to remind myself, rediscovered this morning

  1. Staffed a book table at conference on Remote Viewing in Las Vegas, sold all but eight books

  2. Met a woman wearing an ocelot-fur coat in a brew pub, was offered the opportunity to buy jewelry from her at cost

  3. Registered voters at a soup kitchen

  4. Attended a meeting of a dowsing society

  5. Obsessed about the future

  6. Dog-sat for two communist neighbors who never thanked or paid me

  7. Marched in the Tucson Labor Day parade, was mistaken for a Teamster

  8. Walked into my place of work while my boss was there, having sex with his girlfriend

  9. Washed my purple linoleum floor over and over

Star of the day. . .Santa
posted @ 11:23 a.m. on April 15, 2005 before | after


She lay awake all night,
